Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tripp Sonogram 28 week pt. 1

This one takes about 30 seconds or so to start. You may or may not be able to hear the heartbeat on your computer. Turn up the volume just in case!! I wish we could record the doc explaining everything on all the's hard to tell what you're looking at sometimes.

Tripp Sonogram 28 week pt. 2

Tripp Sonogram 20 week pt. 1

This is when we found out 85% Girl was actually 100% Boy!

Tripp Sonogram 20 week pt. 2

28 Weeks....Time to Drink the Juice!

This past Wednesday I hit the 28-week mark! This is flying by! We had the glucose test Thursday morning. Everyone told me how awful the drink would be, but it wasn't too bad. I'm not a big fan of fruit punch flavored items to begin with, but it could have been a lot worse. I was so excited about this appointment because it was to be the BEST ultrasound images of all.....not so much. This kid was all over the place! He just wouldn't be still to have his picture taken, and kept his hands and arms up in front of his face the whole time. The new picture at the top of the blog is about as good as it got. You can make out his left-side can see his eye and chin and those arms up like he's ready to block a punch. Wonder who he gets his stubborness from.....give you a starts with a D, and rhymes with pale.
I'm feeling him move a ton now!! It's one of the coolest, weirdest, most surreal feelings. He is super active as soon as I wake up in the morning, and most evenings. I wish Dale could feel it all too. I try to get him to feel when he's moving around alot, but he always seems to stop right when I mention it. My stomach is running out of a room, too. I just can't eat that much at a time anymore, and really haven't had much of an appetite anyway. Going back towards plain foods for sure.
I'm definitely loving my naps again (not that that really ever ended)! I've felt pretty good during the week, and am trying to walk or run most days, but BRING ON those 2- and 3-hour naps on Saturdays and Sundays.
The bedding should arrive any day now, and we will get to work on the nursery!! We got the dresser today. I'm still deciding between a few different shades of blue or green for the walls. Much more to come on that soon.
Just under 12 weeks to go!!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Weekend with The White's

Lindsay White bonding with baby James Mulderick
James Sery loves all his mommy-made-food!
Dale's new love.....the oil-less, infrared turkey fryer. Oh my dear goodness that turkey was amazing! I think it retained every ounce of juice!!!
James Sery was like a littlel racecar driver flying around in his saucer. He is getting so strong! Think he'll be walking before too long!
All the Kiddo's.....Bryson, James S., Addie, and James M.
The Mulderick Family
The White Family....we sure missed you Brad!!!
James M. sleeping away.
Had so much fun with all the girls!! We took a super cute picture outside to send to Dr. Moore of all of the babies he delivered and the one on the way. Can't wait to see all the cute pictures from everyone else's cameras from the weekend!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY, JEREMY, AND LINDSAY!!! Addie and I made a super yummy chocolate cake for the July b'days.
Addie and I enjoyed Sparkling Grape Juice! She loved her special glass!!
James Mulderick was the king of bodily functions....thankfully his mommy was well prepared with some extra outfits!!!
The puppies loved Lindsay W. ! They were just glad for the night to finally come to an end....we stayed up until the wee hours watching Dual Survivor with Dale.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Belly - 26 Weeks

(one of these days I'll take pictures when I still look decent...never remember to until after showers and makeup removal)

26 weeks down, approximately 14 weeks to go! I think I'm definitely due for a growth spurt in the next week or so. I know I've grown, but feel like it has been very slowly. I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong!!!
At my 24 week appointment, baby Tripp weighed in right at 1.5 lbs. Our doctor is very pleased with his progress, and says he is right on track in all his measurements. We go back in 2 more weeks, where I will have my gestational diabetes test...get to drink the yucky stuff. We've also been told this will be the best 3D ultrasound of all...hope to see what his face actually looks like!! Once they get much bigger they are rolled up so tight you really can't see much anymore.

The crib is now setup, and I will be ordering the bedding this weekend! Tripp will have a rustic Texas/Rodeo nursery (not themey - goal is to be sophisticated). I'll post pictures as soon as the bedding arrives. It's gorgeous!!!
We'll try to remember to take belly pics much more often from now on....

Happy 5th of July!

We celebrated the 4th of July - on the 5th - with lots of great friends and food!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Me and Mama do Cancun!

Day 1...Tropical Storm Alex on it's way into Cancun. Day 4 looked a little better than this, so we did get a tad bit of a tan then (my pics that day came out super blurry for some reason)

At least the rooms were nice since we were stuck in there the majority of the trip. We were lucky to find a few english-speaking channels and got really excited when there were Sex and City reruns on!!

Day 2... in full bloom!

Day a little cabin fever being stuck inside so much. Fun to watch the guys trying to keep the restaurant from flooding though!