Thursday, September 23, 2010

3 MORE WEEKS Belly!!!

We went for our 37-week appointment this morning, and I am dilated 1/2 cm! Since my belly was measuring pretty small still (35 weeks last Thursday and 33.5 weeks today probably due to the fact that he has dropped a bit) the doc let us have an ultrasound. I was soooo excited! I had been hoping we'd have one more. We haven't seen the little man since 28 weeks. I actually tried to ask questions or say stuff over the past few appointments hoping they'd give me an ultrasound but my little plan never quite worked out. He was in the 67%'ile overall, and estimated at 6 lb. 13 oz., so perfectly average. In fact, his head was only in the 75%'ile which I was thrilled about, considering the size of his father's! I've heard from a few people that the ultrasound adds a good half-pound or more. We'll see..... We got one great picture of his cute little hand (of course covering his face) so I'll get it uploaded in the next few days too. So, we're just sitting ducks as of now. Dale has been quite the busy bee putting together the car seats, pack-n-plays, swings, etc. We have one more shopping spree to do at Target, and a few more items to grab at Babies R Us and we should be good to go!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Atlanta Shower Weekend!

Leslie Boyle came to visit for the baby shower!! It had been way too long. We got mani's and pedi's at Sugarcoat just like the good ole days....watched the VOLS do really well for one half against Oregon (we won't discuss the 2nd half)....and hit Ikea for breakfast and shopping!
The In-Laws were in town for the shower too, and Libby came over to play with Corky and Lily Belle. She really had no interest in them whatsoever....she just liked relaxing on her pillow.
Dale licking his wounds after the Georgia-South Carolina wasn't a pretty football weekend in the Patton household.
Sunday, I had my final baby shower, and it was AMAZING!!!

The Hostesses: Lindsay M., Natalia, Lindsay W., (me), and Shana
The Soon-To-Be Grandmothers and Great-Grandmother
Tripp's first B.B. Gun!!! I re-wrapped it so Dale could open it himself when we got home. He was soooo excited! Quite a "memorable" gift for a baby boy. I know he'll be quite the little hunter with both his granddaddies one day.
At the last second they wheeled out the BOB Running Stroller!!! Apparently Dale and his parents were planning a little secret while we were at the beach. I can't wait to go for my first post-baby run!!!

Office Shower

I had a lovely shower at work, and was so flattered by everyone's attendance and gifts! I have the best job and the most wonderful co-workers in the world!!!

My partners-in-crime: Amy, Dawn, Heather M. (standing)
and Melissa G. and Heather B.!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tripp's Nursery!!

Mama came down after the shower at Mrs. Sandy's so we could get started on painting Tripp's nursery. I had everything taped off, paint and supplies purchased, and we were ready to work!
Super light blue-gray base coat...this was the easy part of course
Taping off the stripes Sunday morning took a few hours. Mama measured each section as I laid the tape. Once we got going we had a good rhythm, but, that is by far the hardest part!
Adding the darker blue-gray stripes! This was quick and easy!

Voila! Beautimous!!
We're thinking about going into the stripe-paint business.....
And Dale did a great job painting the dresser!!!
We got a good bit of organizing done, but still have plenty more to do!

Shower at Mrs. Sandy's

We had another great shower in Chattanooga Labor Day weekend at Mama's best friend's house. Mrs. Sandy did an amazing job! We had fantastic pasta salad, chicken salad, and delicious cupcakes!

The weather could not have been more perfect - AND - it was the first football Saturday of the season!! So, for the first time since 1997 I missed UT's home-opener. This kid WILL recognize the sacrifices I have made! I had pretty matching jewelry picked out for my cute new black dress, but decided that just wasn't proper and went with my traditional/superstitious gameday jewelry instead. Whew!

34 Week Belly

These were taken last Thursday before my 34 week appointment. My belly measured at exactly 34 weeks. We discussed inducing, and I still have mixed emotions. I'll probably be whistling a different tune in about 3 more weeks. I am just such a planner, and part of me likes the idea of NOT controlling something for once and just letting it happen on its own. BUT, that crazy planner in me would love to write it in the 'ole planner and let the grandparents plan their travel. We're crossing our fingers Aunt Lesley gets to come from California, too, but know how hard that will be. I go back Sept. 16th for the 36-week checkup, and then begin going every week.

Baby Shower at Nicole's

I had an amazing shower 2 weekends ago in Chattanooga!! Nicole and her mom, Toni, went all out on the cupcakes and cake, the cutest blue punch with swimming duckies, and lots of personalized stuff for Baby Tripp. We had a wonderful group of girls, and I just had so much fun!

Yum, yum, and Yum.
The Hosteses with the Mostest
Erin flew in from New Orleans on Thursday night before the shower, which gave us plenty of time to hang out in both Atlanta and Chattanooga.
Sophie LOVED the balloons!!