Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's Already February???

Well, once again I've had good intentions of blogging each week but that is just NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, so I will just take that pressure off myself right now. I will TRY to get to it a few times a month...we'll see.
Life has never been busier, and never been better! We have the most perfect creature God ever put on this earth, and we're having a blast with him every single day. He's changing and growing so much every day. We may have to put a "What's New with Tripp" section on the blog to track all of his new accomplishments!
Being back to work has been such a double-edged sword. I couldn't love my job any more even if I tried, BUT I love my kid way more. I can't stand being away from him all day, but I do enjoy my time around adults and having a creative outlet. I just use Tripp as my motivation to work really hard, and very efficiently throughout the day. Once I've done everything I need to do, I can go pick him up. I soooo look forward to that moment of him seeing me walk up to him and cracking a huge smile. He's d0ing great at Mrs. Kelly's. He's made new friends. She is just amazing! We are so blessed to have found the perfect person to watch over him while we work.
Here are a couple pictures to catch you up on what we've been doing so far in 2011:
First duck hunting trip with Daddy & Mommy's 31st Birthday G. Daddy teaching him how to call a duck
I'm a COWBOY baby!
Last play date of maternity leave with James M. and James S.
Last day of maternity leave
3 months old!!
Sip 'N See at Mimi's house...playing with Nicole, Sophie, and Toni
Loves Tummy Time! (sometimes)
PePa comes to visit (yes he finally decided on a name)
Watching the Super Bowl with Gigi
Best Friends!!!!