Saturday, December 25, 2010

Weeks 6-7: Big Travels

My goal is to REALLY start updating the blog once a week. So, hopefully I will be much more creative. Again, here's a synopsis of the big events of weeks 6 and 7:

We had a lot of errands to run in the frigid cold!
Christmas shopping doesn't finish itself.
Corky now cleans his head like a cat cleans itself. It's so cute. He will literally lick his head for 5 minutes straight.
Major smiles! We can't wait to hear actual giggles go along with these!
He made his first trip to Monroe and met many friends! We stayed at Mimi's best friend's house and Aunt Susie just ate him up!
Aunt Erin couldn't wait to hold and love her baby. Her daddy had to go back to heaven, but he's now Tripp's guardian angel. He smiles really big when you tell him Mr. Grady is watching over him!
Erin's Mimi's house in Monroe
Strongest boy alive! He's gettin so good at holding his head up!
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!
My Aunt Lelly sent me a bunch of super cute Christmas jammies!
Mimi started Tripp's first Christmas tree. It's for real cowboys!
G. Daddy and Bobo came to visit!!
Going to Daddy's unofficial office party. He got passed around the whole time.
G. Daddy and Bobo just swooned over him all weekend!
Our first official "dusting" of the season!
Finally painted Tripp's bathroom. Love it!

Many New Adventures in Week 5

The first 5 weeks have absolutely flown by! Here are a couple of Tripp's new adventures:
We went to the Devivo's new house to hang out for a few hours.
We watched Belle goof off....and
JUMP JUMP JUMP! She really missed her trampoline while it was in
storage since moving back from Australia.
Bean still does a great kangaroo impression.
Loving nap time. The puppies stand guard....especially if the
nupi falls out of his mouth. They take it and RUN with it!
Thanksgiving at Mimi's house.....Lily loves her Daddy!
Mimi loves her baby!
Reading Christmas books.....Mimi saved all of our old books from
when Lez and I were babies.
Tripp loves to walk around the house with Mimi and look
at pictures and lights.
First night home from Thanksgiving at Mimi's, AND
first night in his big boy crib! He did soooo good!
Papa came to visit!! He put up curtain rods, watched football, told jokes, and
stole a million kisses!
Found just the right touch to add to his nursery.
First time in the Bjorn! He went to sleep about 2 minutes in....
new favorite nap spot!
Daddy gave the first bottle of breastmilk, and he sucked it down.....
and I'm not going to lie, it was a little hard to watch. I don't know
how to explain it. Definitely realized I want to breastfeed as long as I can!
Decorating our (horribly pitiful) Christmas tree!
Next year, we're getting a real one.
Helping Daddy with his fantasy football team.

Weeks 3 and 4 with our Little Man

The letters finally arrived, and the nursery is almost complete! Just have to get fabric for the ottoman, and we should be done.

Hungry-baby test: sucking on Daddy's nose
Mimi and Ma came back to visit for one day while Aunt Lesley was in town!
Watching football with Ma
He sleeps just like his Daddy.....well when his Daddy has had a few toddys.
My little tree frog!!
Aunt Lesley came to visit for a few days! We had so much fun!!!
Lily Belle is a very good big sister.
And Corky still doesn't leave his brother's side for long!
Our little family....we love nap time!