Monday, November 1, 2010

Tripp: First 2 Weeks

My plans were to update this blog pretty much as soon as we arrived home from the least I had GOOD intentions! I could literally write for hours about our first 2 weeks with our new little man, but I am more eager to just get this puppy up-to-date. So, here's a good synopsis of pictures and thoughts of this most incredible time!

On our way to the hospital on Monday, Oct. 18, to be induced! I was 5 days late at this point. It was such a strange feeling waiting on that call from the hospital all day tlling us what time to come in. I tried to just relax that morning, and was very excited to get the call shortly after lunch....that's when the anxiety (in a good way) came rushing in!
Getting settled into the hospital Monday evening. Mama arrived shortly after us, and was able to hang out for a few hours. Dale's parents had arrived in town a day or two earlier, and came by as well. They started the cervadil around 6 pm, and we just relaxed as much as possible. Daddy was driving in from Monroe, and peeked in on me in the wee hours of the morning. Shelby was able to fly in very early Tuesday morning.
They removed the cervadil around 6am and started the petocin around 7. Things started progressing very quickly at that point. Mama and Dale traded off holding my hands and changing out the cold, wet rags for my fever throughout labor. From the time my water broke at 10:30am until I got my epidural at noon, I was in plain misery. Wow. For some reason I kept thinking "they know I want an epidural, why haven't they brought it yet". I guess at some point I realized I was going to have to ask for it and sent Dale running after a nurse to make my demands! The anesthesiologist arrived within minutes, and I was a happy camper about 10 minutes later. I honestly don't know how people do this without the epidural. I know the petocin makes the contractions a lot harder, but still. Give me the epidural every time!After pushing for 2 1/2 hours, trying to suction him out, and finally pulling him out with the forceps, our man finally showed himself at 10:07 pm! I remember telling Dale, "Get the camera ready!!" when Dr. Moore almost had him out. This is one of my favorite pictures!! His little hands and feet were so swollen and pruny from being without fluid for so long. We just literally beat each other up. His heart rate had been going up and down with my contractions, and he was a little on the cold side when he finally came out. He looked a little albino until we got him warmed up hours later.
Once he was cleaned up, I finally got to hold my little man. I have replayed this moment in my mind so many times, and get teary-eyed every single I am right now typing this. This was probably the single coolest moment of my life to date. He stopped crying almost immediately after being laid on my chest, and knowing that he knew me was indescribeable. I don't think I could ever forget exactly how I felt that moment for as long as I live.
The nurses were all still very busy, so I gave picture-taking a try while still lying helpless. It took a couple tries, but I finally got a good one of Dale and his big man! They are absolute spitting images of each other. Another moment I will never forget.
We all - Dale and I, Dr. Moore, and our 2 nurses - guessed his weight before placing him on the scale. I'm pretty sure Dale came within an ounce!
The pediatric nurse came down to check him out and get him cleaned up even more. He had quite a bo-bo on the back of his head from where Dr. Moore tried to suction him out. The suction can pop off the baby easily while trying to pull them out, but you're only allowed to let it pop off 3 times. Aftere the first try, Dr. Moore was afraid to put it back over the spot, so we were onto forceps.
Another one of my favorite pictures. After a LONG, LONG, painful day, we finally got to curl up together and rest. Since his body temp was a little lower than they wanted, the nurses wanted us doing some good skin-t0-skin cuddling. I surely didn't object! They just put him in my gown and we took a little nap.
We didn't get to our room until 1:15am Wednesday morning, so all the grandparents came back bright and early to finally get to hold their first grandson. Gigi was beside herself with excitement to have her first cuddle.
Our moms both brought our pictures from birth, and just as I thought the moment after delivery, this little guy is a spitting image of his Daddy! He was finally getting his color as of Wednesday morning. The nurses came by every 30 min-1 hr throughout the night and morning to make sure Tripp's temp was coming up and mine was going down.
Mimi finally got to hold her little man Wednesday morning too! After quite the easy pregnancy, I still had a horrible delivery just like Mama had with me.
G. Daddy drove all night Monday night to get to his man. He has already purchased Tripp's first Ranger (side-by-side 4wheeler) for the duck camp. He'll get to ride in January!
Shelby ("Bo Bo") was able to catch a really early flight in Wednesday morning. She brought a very handsome Ralph Lauren outfit with her, as well. He is going to be so good looking!!
Daddy and Tripp taking a little nap together. I loved watching this!
I had these plans of looking cute for pictures while we were in the hospital. I packed makeup, hair stuff, etc. Never touched it....never really cared. All I cared about was snuggling with this little man!!
Daddy got Tripp dressed for the photographers and to go home!
FINALLY HOME!! Mimi stayed with the puppies while we were in the hospital. She brought one of Tripp's swaddles home for them to sniff. They were obsessed with him from the moment we walked in the door! I always knew they would be great with him, but really expected it would take quite a while. I thought maybe they would be jealous at first, then become fond of him. Corky is super protective of him...doesn't leave his side no matter who is holding him.
Once we were home and settled Thursday evening Dale suggested he get my rings out of the safe. I couldn't wait to put them back on! Then he surprised me with a most wonderful "push present"....a SECOND band!! Now I'll have to get the other 2 cleaned to match the new one's shine.
For one of our wedding showers Sara and Ben Crosby gave us the coolest gift.....a number of different bottles of wine and champagne to celebrate different milestones. This was our final bottle. It had been on chill in the fridge for a few weeks just waiting for Tripp to arrive. Dale's parents bought out Jim 'N Nick's BBQ, and we all had a sip of champagne!
Dale's mom and dad came by Friday morning to say goodbye before hitting the road back to Texas. We had to get our first pictures of the 3 Anthony Dale Pattons!
Corky helping Mimi hold his baby brother. He really doesn't leave his side.
Belinda brought Ma down from Chattanooga for the day on Saturday to meet her 3rd great-grandchild! They got to stay about 2 hours, and Tripp just loved napping with Ma the whole time!
Getting ready for his first football Saturday! He loves the super soft zebra nap mat from Miss Ivey.
First game of the day: Tennessee vs. Alabama.
Outcome: Outfit, Awesome...Game, Not So Awesome.
Second game of the day: Geogia at Kentucky
Outcome: Daddy loved game, Mama loved outfit (only because Tripp looked so cute, not because of the outfit itself).
Tripp's FIRST Georgia game with his Daddy!! He can't wait to go to Athens next season....and Knoxville, too!
This is pretty much what we saw on every single ultrasound.
Daddy finally home from work and ready to play! Corky was watching to make sure Tripp was safe on his mat.
He loves taking lap naps...and I love staring at him.
He's going to be a side sleeper. He just gets in these little angelic positions. I can't wait to have his newborn photography session!!!
Future Heisman Winner!
Halloween jammies from Mimi!